Vítor João Pereira Domingues MARTINHO
Coordinator Professor with Aggregation, Agricultural School, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, 3500 Viseu, Portugal
The agricultural realities across the several regions belonging to the European Union (EU) present some significant differences, in terms of the socioeconomics, cultural, structural and environmental dimensions. In general, because it is difficult to consider all the realities, within each country, sometimes the public decision makers, in Europe, need to design common approaches for all countries and regions, despite there being some decentralization of decisions. In this scenario, this study aims to identify and characterize the main agricultural systems in the European Union, using statistical information available in the FADN (2017), for the periods 2007-2009 and 2012-2013. This was done, considering the utilized agricultural area (farm dimension), the machinery (farm technology and innovation) and the farm net value added (farm competitiveness) as principal indicators. From these variables the European Union countries and regions were grouped into agricultural systems through cluster approaches and based on a farm dimension-competitiveness-technology index obtained with factor analysis. This approach was complemented by spatial analysis, through the observation of spatial autocorrelation between European Union countries, as determining the farming characteristics in neighboring countries. Of stressing, the relevant differences in the farm characteristics, not only, among European countries, but also, inside each member state between regions. On the other hand, of highlighting the adequacy of the index considered as representative of the farming particularities.
Keywords: European Union regions, Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), Spatial approaches, Factor and clusters analysis
JEL classification: C21, C38, O13, O52, Q10
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