PhD in PA, associate professor, post-doctoral fellow, Kharkiv regional institute of public administration of the National academy of public administration by the President of Ukraine
The paper objective is to provide rationale for the systems basis for organizational and deblocking mechanisms of a discrete regional modernization process. Basing on methodology of systems analysis, the paper offers an author’s conceptualization of a systemic regional economic policy modernization in the present-day Ukraine. The author’s original contribution is his profound idea of the modernization process being discrete, non-linear, and following a changeable trajectory. These properties of the system have influenced considerably the interpretation and revaluation of the current state of the modernization process and its “tension lines”. Starting out from the properties of “system material” and the author’s general concept of the regional economic policy modernization in Ukraine, the paper identifies two actual mechanisms for ensuring stability of a desired modernization trajectory – a mechanism of modernization process organization, and a mechanism deblocking the process of modernization. For each of them, the reasons for existence and “tension lines” are determined and rationalized. Finally, an important conclusion is drawn that the proposed logic of analyzing the mechanisms to support regional modernization can be applied both in Ukraine and in other counties, providing a way to purposefully affect the procedure and structure of governance mechanisms in accordance with the set priorities.
Keywords: regional economic policy, systems approach, mechanisms, Ukrainian modernization
JEL classification: O38, R58, R50