Anastasia Stratigea and Elias Grammatikogiannis
National Technical University of Athens, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Department of Geography and Regional Planning, Iroon Polytechniou 9, Campus Zografou, 15780 Athens, Greece, Tel.: +30 210 7722749
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The focus of the present paper is on the development of a decision support framework for assessing alternative wind park locations using MCA tools. In the first part, it elaborates on the development of such a framework, with emphasis placed on the evaluation stage. More specifically, two multicriteria evaluation techniques are used (ELECTRE I and REGIME) as tools that can relief ‘method uncertainty’ and deal with conflicts and different perspectives in the decision making process. In the second part, this decision support framework is applied in a real world decision problem, namely the selection of wind park location in a Greek region (Tanagra-Boiotia) for the installation of a wind park that will partly serve the energy demand of a newly planned industrial area. Finally, some conclusions are drawn as to the empirical results obtained by the two multicriteria methods as well as their capacity to deal with multiobjective evaluation problems.