Theodore Pelagidis is professor of economics at the University of Piraeus, Greece. He has also been a NATO scholar at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University; a National Bank of Greece professorial fellow at the London School of Economics; a Fulbright professorial fellow at Columbia University; and served as an external expert in the internal evaluation office at the International Monetary Fund. He received his diploma in economics from Thessaloniki University, Greece; his M.Phil. from Sussex University, U.K.; and his Ph.D from Paris University, France, while serving as an EU SPES researcher. He has also conducted post-doctoral research on the EMU at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, USA, (1993-94 and 1995-96 as a NATO scholar).
He has been and NBG professorial fellow at LSE, UK (2010), and a Fulbright fellow at Columbia University, USA (2010). He has published extensively in professional journals.
He is also co-editor of the Welfare State and Democracy in Crisis, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, and co-author of Understanding the Crisis in Greece: From Boom to Bust, MacMillan/Palgrave, 2012 2nd revised paperback edition. He is also a co-author of Who’s to Blame for Greece? Austerity in Charge of Saving a Broken Economy, MacMillan Palgrave 2015/2016.
Some of his most recent academic publications include the following:
- 2017: (with Petsas, A.). The Uncoverd Interest Parity Puzzle (Uip): Evidence From Major Currencies. Regional Science Inquiry, 9(1), 127-134.
- 2017: (with Palaiologos, Y.). How to Damage an Already Fragile Economy: The Rise of Populism in Greece. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 18(2), 51-58.
- 2017: (with Saranti, A. & Mitsopoulos, M.). Efficiency in the tax-auditing administration in Greece. International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management, 7(1-2), 123-142.
- 2017: (with Mitsopoulos, M.). A model of constitutional design and corruption. European Journal of Law and Economics, 44(1), 67-90.
- 2015: (with Mitsopoulos, M.). Give Greece a Chance. Intereconomics, 50(2), 91-97.
- 2014: (with Mitsopoulos, M.). Why Did Forceful Internal Devaluation Fail to Kick-Start Export-Led Growth in Greece?. Challenge, 57(6), 85-102.
- 2011: (with Arestis, P., Chortareas, G. & Desli, E.). Trade flows revisited: further evidence on globalisation. Cambridge journal of economics, 36(2), 481-493.
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