Professor Amit Batabyal is Arthur J. Gosnell Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics in Rochester Institute of Technology.
He has studied Applied Economics and Business Management in Cornell University, followed by a master’s degree on Agricultural and Applied Economics in the University of Minnesota and PhD studies on Agricultural and Resource Economics in the University of California.
He has taught in various universities such as the College of William and Mary in Virginia, the Utah State University, the Deakin University in Melbourne and the Monash University in Malaysia.
His academic area of interest includes applied microeconomics, natural resource economics, ecological economics, development economics, International Trade Theory, regional economics, as well as philosophy and political science.
He is a member of the American Economic Association (AEA), the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA), the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE), the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) and the International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS).
Dr Amit Batabyal has received a lot of awards and honors, such as the “Best Paper in Studies in Regional Science Award” by the Regional Science Association International in 2011, the Mattei Dogan Foundation Prize by the International Social Science Council in 2013 and the Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement by the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2014, 2015 and 2016.
His most recent publications include but are not limited to:
Regional Growth and Sustainable Development in Asia, edited (with P. Nijkamp). Springer, 2017.
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Tariffs, Dynamic Inconsistency, Resource Conservation, and Trade, Applied Economics Letters, 13, 217-22, 2006.
Ecological, Economic, and New Synthetic Perspectives in Range Management: An Interpretative Essay, (with H. Beladi), International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 5, 147-98, 2011.
A Game Model of International Trade, Transport Costs, Invasive Species, and Protocol Compliance, (with P. Nijkamp), Transportation Research Part D, 46, 267-72, 2016.
By Vilelmini Psarrianou
Chief Executive, RSI J