Yoshiro Higano is a Professor at the Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan and has a Ph.D. in Environmental Science. His research has a strong focus on Comprehensive Evaluation of Resources for Decision Science and Engineering. His research focuses on Simulation model for control of environmental quality; Evaluation of environmental remediation technologies; Integrated river (lake) basin management; Synthesized environmental policy. In general, his research interests include economic theory and policy, social systems engineering/ safety systems and area studies.
Yoshiro Higano is Councillor of the PRSCO (since 1998), Councillor of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) (since 2003), President of The Japan Association of Human Symbiosis (since 2009) and President of the Regional Science Association International (since 2011). His also is Editorial Member of Papers in Regional Science (Wiley-Blackwell) (since 1998), Asia-Pacific-Editor of Australasian Journal of Regional Studies (ANZ Section RSAI) (since 1998), Associate Editor of Networks and Spatial Economics (Springer) (since 2001), Editor of Letters in Spatial and Resource Science (Springer) (since 2008), and Managing Editor of Studies in Regional Science (Japan Section RSAI) (since 1998). He was Executive Director of the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) of the RSAI (1998-2010) and Vice President of RSAI (2009-2010).
Since 1983, he is a member at more than 10 scientific bodies, such as The Japan Section of The Regional Science Association International, Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis, Assosiation for Regional Management in Japan etc. From 1984 until today, he has received 9 honors and awards concerning scientific performance in regional and environmental issues.
He has published more than 25 articles concerning environmental policy analysis, economics, energy, water management, bio-fuels, technology systems and industry impacts, evaluation of sustainability and regional development as well as 25 books and contributions, including:
– Transport and Land Use, 1997-01
– The Region in the New Economy (et al.), 2002-01
Academic profile made by:
Maria Goula, critical survey editor of RSI, Teacher-Member of the Pedagogic Team of the Environmental Education Center of Makrinitsa