Chrysanthi Balomenou
Hellenic Open University,
Marianthi Maliari
Hellenic Open University,
This work attempts to examine the consequences of the crisis on enterprises and on banks, to study enterprises’ problems related their access to fundsability, to examine the phenomenon of corruption in Greece especially in state banks, to highlight the problems and inefficacies of local enterprises and finally to focus on the economic lag and underdevelopment in all the local economic sectors in Regional Unity of Serres. As regard as the empirical research, it deals with the data extracted from a questionnaire addressed to local entrepreneurs. The results are analysed with the help of the methods of descriptive statistics and correlations. The research main conclusion is that the reduction of the funds provided by the banks to the market resulted in the deterioration of the recession. It is worth referring to the fact that the statistical data extracted from the empirical research are similar to those deduced from the results of the researches that have been referred to in bibliography.