Professor Marie Noelle Duquenne
Marie Noelle Duquenne is a Professor of Statistical and Econometric Methods for Spatial Analysis at the Department of Planning and Regional Development School of Engineering, University of Thessaly.
1984 Doctorat (Ph.d) Mathematical Economy and Econometry. Department of Economics, University of Paris-X- Nanterre, France
1981 DEA in Mathematical Economy and Econometry, Department of Economics, University of Paris-X-Nanterre, France
1980 Maitrise in Economic Science and Quantitative Methods, Department of Economics, University of Paris-X-Nanterre, France
Employment :
2000 – 2004 Teaching appointment at the Dept. PRD, University of Thessaly (Visiting Assistant Professor)
1998 – 1999Scientific advisor of General Secretary, Greek Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works
1997 – 1998 Scientific advisor of General Secretary of Forests and Natural Environment, Greek Ministry of Agriculture
1995 – 1997Scientific researcher, Centre of Social Morphology & Social Policy of the Panteion University
1993 – 1995 Scientific collaborator of the research team at the Direction of Studies and Planning, Agricultural Bank of Greece, for the project: “Agricultural Peri-urban areas: functions – transformations – perspectives
1993 Scientific collaborator of the Greek Institute of Labour, (INE)
1992 – 1997Associate consultant, Vakakis International S.A. Agricultural Development Consultants
1986 – 1992 Scientific researcher, Institution of Mediterranean Studies
1986 – 1988 Scientific researcher at the Kapodistriako University of Athens
1981 – 1983Researcher at the Research Centre CEDRA, University of Paris-X-Nanterre
Indicative Publications include:
Books, Edited volumes:
Duquenne M.N.(1984), ‘Spécialisation Internationale et Prix de production’, Paris.
Book Chapters:
• Kotzamanis B. and Duquenne M.N. (2012) ‘Les recensements de la population dans l’Europe élargie, un essai réussi de comparabilité des données?’ In G. Masuy – Stroobant (ed.)Élargissement de l’Union européenne, Enjeux et implications socio-démographiques, Centre de recherche en démographie et sociétés, IACCHOS/ Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve: 79-98.
• Vlontzos G. and Duquenne M.N. (2009) ‘Interrelationship between ethnicity and international trade of Greek virgin olive oil’ In Lindgreen and Hingley (eds) Market Orientated? The Metamorphosis of Food and Agricultural Production and Marketing, Gower, U.K.
RSI Journal
By Dr. Eleni Stamatiou-Lacroix